Mint starts soon

Uri Dotan


The New York based artist presents an extraordinary collection which combines symbols from social media as well as characters from pop culture.

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For Artists

I create art.
Why should I work with DINYA?

Our goal is to make the vast possibilities of the NFT market accessible to artists like you.

How - We help you understand new technologies like NFT, Blockchain or Augmented Reality and use them to your advantage. We program the smart contracts that turn your works into "real" NFTs. And we advise you on pricing and presentation.

At no fixed cost. You can access our expertise and services at any time and free of charge. Only when selling the work, we charge - like classic galleries - an individually determined participation.

Featured Collections

Discover NFT collections that uniquely combine the worlds of analogue and digital art

For Galleries und Museums

I present Art.
What can DINYA do for me?

The NFT market also offers huge opportunities for galleries and museums. We'll help you unlock them.

How? – We support you in developing and implementing new presentation and distribution concepts. We integrate augmented reality into your exhibitions and thus create completely new worlds of experience. Even with existing works. And we enable you to sell directly on site via RFID or QR code.

And with our commission model, we offer you a lucrative opportunity to use your contacts with artists as an additional source of income.

Featured Artists

Get to know the people benhind the collections

For Enthusiasts

I collect art.
What can I find at DINYA?

NFTs are the art objects of the future. There is the possibility of a digital variant for almost every art form. And with animations, audio elements or augmented reality, unprecedented, immersive worlds of experience can be realized.

But that's not all. NFTs are in demand as digital collector's items and sometimes have huge increases in value. This makes them not only great works of art, but also extremely exciting investment objects.

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